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Keep Smiling V1 Gilded Set

Keep Smiling V1 Gilded Set

#Collectable #Cardistry


Now think of a happy moment and let the corners of your mouth twist into a smile. Then walk over to a mirror and tell me what you see. That is right, you see a wonderfully smiley face, which brings hope and happiness into your life. It is a magical switch that "turns on" the good mood for the day, as well as being the simplest, but also the most precious gift you can give to yourself and the people around you.

This gift is available anytime anywhere. You can find it early in the morning, as bright sunlight filters through your window, or when things go right and you are filled with motivation and excitement, or when the moment simply turns out to be extraordinary. This is exactly the mood that the Keep Smiling deck is trying to bring you. Because every day is a good day and every person is the maker of his own happiness.

- Featuring Fedrigoni Pearlescent series top-grade paper
- Germany Kruz Foil on each tuck case
- The series contains 5 decks with a total of 5 vivid theme colours
- Each model has a personalized smiley expression
- Simple, but fresh design
- The card box is embossed & hot-pressed exquisitely, with perfect details and high quality

Keep Smiling V1 Gilded Set contains:

- Black Keep Smiling deck with Holographic gilded
- Green Keep Smiling deck with Gold gilded
- Red Keep Smiling deck with Gold gilded
- Orange Keep Smiling deck with silver gilded
- Yellow Keep Smiling deck with Bronze gilded
- Number seal 001/100 on each gilded deck.

Arrives in Collector Box

Only 100 Keep Smiling V1 Gilded Sets Available!

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Keep Smiling V1 Gilded Set

Keep Smiling V1 Gilded Set

Keep Smiling V1 Gilded Set

Keep Smiling V1 Gilded Set

Keep Smiling V1 Gilded Set

Keep Smiling V1 Gilded Set

Keep Smiling V1 Gilded Set

Keep Smiling V1 Gilded Set

Keep Smiling V1 Gilded Set
